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搜尋參考資料: 1.BLANC & ECLARE blancgroup.com BLANC & ECLARE is the expression of the modern classic. Our fashion line bridges the divide between the clean enduring classic and the fashion forward. www.blanc-products.com blanc official website ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanc Blanc or le Blanc is a surname of French origin, meaning White. Bearers of the name include the following. Antoine Blanc (1792–1860), first Archbishop of New Orleans blancgroup.com/collections/frontpage The BLANC & ECLARE site is best viewed with Chrome and Firefox. Please take note for optimal browsing. dictionary.reference.com/browse/blanc noun, plural blancs [blangks; French blahn] ) 1. a silver coin of France of the 14th–18th centuries, debased in later years. 2. an Anglo-Gallic copy of this coin ... <span>BLANC&ECLARE 少女時代Jessica<,span>,熱門品牌推薦,名牌眼鏡,精品手錶、珠寶配飾,BLANC&ECLARE太陽眼鏡 韓系圓框,黑#SHANGHAI BL |
資料來源:Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 |